Nenechte si ujít Mezinárodní konferenci CEDH v NICE - už v lednu 2019!
18. a 19. ledna 2019 se bude konat další ze série úspěšných konferencí CEDH! Tentokrát ve Francii v překrásném městě NICE. Na konferenci nebudou chybět ani zástupci HLA. Máte zájem se také přihlásit? Více se dozvíte v upoutávce organizátora - CEDH, partnera Homeopatické lékařské asociace.
The CEDH, Center for Education and Development of Clinical Homeopathy, founded in 1972 is a school managed by physicians for physicians and healthcare professionals.
Our objective is to share the most reliable knowledge for daily Clinical Homeopathy practice.
Our mission is that each patient in the world can be treated with the prescribed homeopathic medicines.
29,000 physicians have already been trained by the CEDH since 1972 and in more than 22 countries.
We organize international conferences to gather a community of homeopathic physicians from all over the world.
Our will is to share and promote the place of Clinical Homeopathy in todays medicine.
French and International physicians and expert presenters will share their experiences and daily practice.
Conferences, Q&A time and workshops will allow you to be fully involved to enrich your practice!
The 7th International CEDH Conference will be held in Nice, France on January, 18-19, 2019.
The theme of the conference is:
Homeopathy, an answer to Public Health challenges
- from children to seniors -
Focusing on Public Health challenges is one of the keys promoting Clinical Homeopathy practice,
to improve the quality of care management and quality of life for our patients.
The objective is to maintain a balance, accompany our patients with preventive and curative treatments:
Around the following themes:
- Behavioral disorders
- Health & Environment
- Psychological health at work
- Better aging
- Accompanying patients in chronic diseases
- In clinical symptoms such as burnout, osteoporosis, increased use of prescription drugs, complications from treatments,
- decreased quality of life present in our patients from the youngest to the oldest.
Homeopatická lékařská asociace, z.s.
Národní 11
Praha 1 110 00
Česká republika mapa
Kontakty na lékaře-homeopaty:
Kontakty na kancelář HLA:
Pro média:
Informace pro média a tiskové zprávy naleznete zde