About Homeopathic Medical Association (HLA)
Homeopathic Medical Assocication
Narodni 11
110 00, Prague 1
Czech Republic
phone: +420773686002
e-mail: info@hla-homeopatie.cz -
HLA’s Council
The HLA’s Council consists of distinguished experts: physicians with years of experience in homeopathy. All of the Council members have their own medical practice where they help a broad range of patients every day.
Office HLA
We are a team, that’s for sure. Our teamwork is creative, organizational, project-related, but, first of all, it’s our favorite one. We like to spread the idea of clinical homeopathy and to help our close and distant experts to be trained and to expand their therapeutic opportunities. There is so much you can explore and learn thanks to HLA - and behind all that is quite a lot of work which we really enjoy. And we believe that you know this and that you like being with us at our events, if personally or “only” virtually.
Homeopatická lékařská asociace, z.s.
Národní 11
Praha 1 110 00
Česká republika mapa
Kontakty na lékaře-homeopaty:
Kontakty na kancelář HLA:
Pro média:
Informace pro média a tiskové zprávy naleznete zde